Testing the Theories:

Universal laws vs. theories

(Finding the truth)

Now that we know what to test and have a scientific test made, we are finally ready to test the theories to see which one is most accurate: that is, the one to get the least marks is the most accurate, so without further ado let's get to testing:

1.Law of Cause & Effect (Law of Causality)


States that the universe came from a big explosion that seems to have happened for no given reason.

Unclear: A big explosion creating the universe is the cause and the effect is the existence of the universe, so this agrees with the law of Cause & Effect (Law of Causality). However, the explosion itself seems to have no real cause (though some causes are given) itself, thus the explosion that made the universe has no known cause itself: thus, this part contradicts the law of Cause & Effect (Law of Causality).


States that the universe was made by (an) intelligent and power being(s)

Unclear: (An) intelligent and power being(s) creating is the cause, and the effect is the existence of the universe, so this agrees with the law of Cause & Effect (Law of Causality). However, the intelligent and power being(s) himself/herself/itself/themselves may or may not have a clear cause to his/her/its/their existence or have no cause to exist (this also varies based on the specific religious beliefs of [a] specific type of God(s)/higher power(s) ) so the intelligent and power being(s) himself/herself/itself/themselves seem to have no real cause, thus the being(s) that made the universe has no known cause itself: thus this part contradicts the law of Cause & Effect (Law of Causality).

2.Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy


States that all energy and matter was created from the big bang 

Failed: A big explosion creating all energy and matter in the universe is making new energy and matter and thus is directly contradicting the Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy which states the opposite (which says energy and matter cannot be created).


States that all energy and matter was created by (an) intelligent being(s)

Failed: (an) intelligent being(s) creating all energy and matter in the universe is making new energy and matter and thus is directly contradicting the Law of Conservation of Matter/Energy which states the opposite (which says energy and matter cannot be created).

                                    3. Law of 2nd thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder/ Law of ever-increasing entropy)


States that all matter gets more and more complex and organized (evolves) as time goes on (seen in how evolution describes forming molecules out of single atoms and then those molecules forming larger materials like minerals, planets, and stars. and even life: single cells, multicellular organisms etc.) 

Failed: Matter getting more and more complex and organized overtime completely contradicts the Law of 2nd thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder/ Law of ever-increasing entropy) which states the exact opposite (matter gets less and less complex and organized overtime).


States that (an) intelligent being(s) created (wherever directly intentional or indirectly unintentional) all matter and life in its present forms. 

Passed: (an) intelligent being(s) creating all matter and life in its present form does not necessarily contradict the Law of 2nd thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder/ Law of ever-increasing entropy) though it might seem to at first. Because, even though the matter is being made into something more complex and orderly (a contradiction to this law) it’s not necessarily a contradiction that (an) intelligent being(s) took simple and disorganized matter and made something more complex and orderly with it, because they were not made naturally (like with evolution) they were purposely made by (an) intelligent being(s) ( After all, this is what humans do all the time: make more complex and orderly things out of simpler disorganized matter, and this does not contradict this law; because, once built, this more complex thing can breakdown to become more simpler and disorganized), thus (an) intelligent being(s) creating all matter and life in its present form does not contradict the Law of 2nd thermodynamics.

4.Law of Biogenesis


States that all organic life came from non-life (organic material) naturally and then only similar life comes from other similar life until it evolve/changes into new life. 

Failed: organic life coming from non-life is a direct contradiction of the Law of Biogenesis which states the exact opposite (that life only comes from life). But organic life evolving into new forms of life is not necessarily a contradiction of The Law of Biogenesis because similar life is still coming from similar life, even though it slowly changing into new life. 


States that all organic life came from non-life (organic material) but by being created by (a) higher life-form(s) and after their creation, then similar life usually only came from similar life. 

Unclear: while life coming from non-life is a direct contradiction of the Law of Biogenesis which states the exact opposite (that life only comes from life), it has to also be noted that this life does not necessarily come by natural forces (like in evolution), but by intelligent life creating other life. In this way, life is still technically coming from life even though it might not be similar life or by natural reproduction. But after it’s created, similar life usually comes only from other similar life by natural reproduction (depending on the specific account of this creation: Commonly called ‘creation stories/myths’ which vary wildly in how modern life was made. Most say after life was created that only similar life came from other similar life, but some have already created life transforming and making new species in some way or another). 

final Data from test:

So, we’re now done testing the theories with the universal laws, time to look at the data on the checking chart:

 Ultimately, Evolution got three fails out of four while getting no check marks while creation got only one fail out of four while getting one checkmark, with this data we can finally come to a conclusion for our test:

Final conclusion from data:

In the final conclusion, creationism seems to be the more accurate theory of origin since it got no more than one X-mark and at least one checkmark. But along with this finding, both theories seem to contradict at least one law/ are questionable, but before we make a final conclusion, there are some other things to consider.